Pressure Relief Valves
To protect analysers, personel and sample coolers for damage by sample overpressure.
- Calculated for the application.
- ss 316 materials.
- Tested and adjusted in the workshop with certificate.
To protect analysers, personel and sample coolers for damage by sample overpressure.
As Watcon is an independend company and we are free to choose the best components for the application.
Used after pressure reduction to maintain constant upstream pressure, surplus sample pressure is blown off in the drain, equalizing fluctuations in the sample supply pressure. This will result in a constant flow through the chemical sensors’ flow cells. Again we are free to choose the best solution on the market, the best price/performance ratio for the application with high or low capacity, and a fixed pressure or adjustable. Important for selecting the right type,
Used to block the sample line if a temperature threshold is passed. For the protection of personnel and analyzing equipment when the cooling fails or when the capacity of the sample cooler is exceeded.
Please consult for the best price-performance ratio for your application.
Another custom-made specialty of Watcon is analyzing sensors or probes for pH, Conductivity, Dissolved Oxygen and others that are placed in a sample flow through the vessel. Often delivered by the analyzer equipment manufacturer but not always suitable for the application. Watcon designs and manufactures these special flow-through vessels for the analyzer OEMs.
Points to be considered:
We have 30 years of experience, please consult for your application.
It is vital to have a representative sample to be analysed, meaning that the chemical composition at the sampling system is the same as in the pipe the sample is taken from.
The sample systems need cooling water of good quality to cool the steam and water samples to 25 °C. If the cooling water contains chlorides or hardness this can cause stress corrosion cracking of the coil material or block the cooling water passage in the counter current coolers due to hardness deposits.
By choosing a higher grade material than ss316L for the coils the cracking can be avoided most of the time. Blockage remains a problem. Therefore potable water, brakisch water and seawater used as a coolant will need extra attention.
As a filter material for filling of the cation filters Watcon supplies:
Cation resin H+ with color indication, the color changes from green to blue when exhausted.
Please read our cation bulletin for more information.
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The (petro) chemical industry is a large customer of Watcon. As 33% of our systems are suitable for a hazardous zone, we have a large experience and knowledge of Ex. Equipment.
The de-gasser or CO2 filter eliminates the contribution of CO2 to the conductivity value. Than the true conductivity caused by impurities can be monitored. Please note that CO2 removal is done after removal of ammonia (Cation Conductivity)
There are two methods to remove the dissolved CO2 in the sample, by boiling or “washing” out with an inert gas, like Nitrogen.
The boiling method is complicated introducing potential technical failures, use of energy and high temperature conductivity measuring or sample
cooling down with potential measuring failure and lag time, Watcon prefers to use the gas washing method. (Sparger)